Within the rich tapestry of Sanatana Dharma, there is a sacred thread that binds every teaching, scripture, and practice—a thread of profound and timeless truth. This thread is Ātman, the very core of our existence. Let us embark on a brief exploration to grasp the meaning and significance of this sacred concept.
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Understanding Ātman
Ātman (Sanskrit: आत्मन्) is a Sanskrit word that means “self” or “soul.” It is a central concept in Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion of India. Ātman is the innermost essence of every being, the unchanging, eternal witness consciousness that is beyond the body, mind, and ego.
The Upanishads, the ancient scriptures of Sanatana Dharma, teach that Ātman is one and indivisible, and that it is identical to Brahman, the supreme reality that underlies all of existence. This is expressed in the famous statement “Tat Tvam Asi,” which means “You are That.”Ātman, often referred to as the “soul,” is not a mere philosophical concept but the very heart of our being. It represents the eternal, unchanging, and infinite essence that resides within all living beings, uniting us with the divine source of creation.In its purest form, Ātman transcends the material world, breaking free from the limitations of time and space. It is the divine spark, the unwavering consciousness that resides at the heart of each living entity. Ātman defines “you” and “me.”The significance of Ātman is that it is the key to liberation (moksha). When we realize our true nature as Ātman, we are freed from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. We become one with Brahman, the infinite and eternal consciousness.
The Importance of Ātman
Comprehending Ātman is essential on the path to self-realization. It reminds us that our identities go beyond our physical bodies or the fleeting roles we assume in this world. Ātman guides us to peer beyond the illusions of the material realm and beckons us to seek our ultimate purpose—realizing our oneness with the Supreme.In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna eloquently elucidates the eternal nature of Ātman. Beyond birth and death, it is unbreakable and indestructible. Acknowledging this truth can lead to profound spiritual awakening, enabling us to transcend the cycle of birth and death and reunite with the divine.Key Teachings about Ātman
Here are some of the key teachings about Ātman in Sanatana Dharma:
- Ātman is the true self, the innermost essence of every being.
- Ātman is unchanging, eternal, and indivisible.
- Ātman is identical to Brahman, the supreme reality that underlies all of existence.
- Ātman is not the same as the ego, which is the false sense of self that is created by the mind.
- The realization of Ātman is the key to liberation (moksha).
Connecting with Ātman
Meditation, introspection, and self-awareness serve as pathways to establish a connection with Ātman. By delving inward, we can encounter our divine self—a consciousness that is unchanging and replete with bliss, residing at the very core of our existence.Some of the most common paths to realize Ātman include:
- Self-inquiry: This involves asking ourselves questions such as “Who am I?” and “What is the nature of my true self?”
- Meditation: Meditation helps us to quiet the mind and focus on our inner awareness.
- Bhakti yoga: This path involves developing devotion to God or a higher power.
- Jnana yoga: This path involves studying the scriptures and philosophical teachings of Sanatana Dharma.