About me

First there was curiosity. Then enlightenment.


Hari Chetan

I totally appreciate your interest in visiting this page to know more about me. However, I am afraid, I do not have much to say about myself.

I am the author of books on the subject of Vedic wisdom like Bhagavad Gita (in English), 30 Days to Understanding the Bhagavad Gita, and The Bhagavad Gita Summarized and Simplified. I have several other projects to promote Vedic philosophy in the pipeline.

I am a deeply spiritual person who is on a mission to gather and distribute all the knowledge about the self and God. And I am well on my way in that journey.

Along the way I have studied the major religions, beliefs and philosophies, and plan to share the best of my learnings through my books and programs.

I believe life is meant to explore oneself. And the only questions that really matter are:

If you feel a deep need to find the answers to these questions for yourself, do consider reading my books.

If you want to contact me, click here.

Summary of the Holy Bhagavad Gita
Understand the Bhagavad Gita Fully in a Month
Authentic Translation of the Bhagavad Gita

Our single most important duty as humans is to enquire about ourselves.
