Does God exist? Let’s find out.

Does God exist? Let’s find out.

Does God exist? This has been one of the biggest questions that humanity has been seeking a definite answer to since its inception. But is this really something so difficult to figure out? If we sincerely desire an answer to this question and are ready to keep an open mind while researching, it is not difficult to find one.

We will never come up with a surefire justification for the existence of God if we look for it in religion. The reason is that we believe in religion because we believe in God. We do not believe in God because we believe in religion. Therefore, before accepting the teachings of any particular religion, we must first accept the reality of God. It is nonsensical to first investigate God in the scriptures or other elements of religion.

Where then should we start looking into the answer to this question? I’d suggest using your common sense to seek both inside and outside yourself for the solution. You will undoubtedly discover the right response if you do this.

Start with your body

The best evidence that God exists is found in our own bodies. Our bodies are made up of intricate arrangements of cells, muscles, blood, bones, and organs that are all related to one another and work as a unit to support our survival. These systems include the respiratory system, digestive system, reproductive system, etc. It seems inconceivable that such a tremendous work of art could have been created by an unassuming person or on its own.

Observing the universe

The majority of us have no idea how big the universe is. There are billions of galaxies in it. There are billions of stars in each galaxy. At least one planet orbits the majority of the stars. Such planets are all enormous. Some of them are considerably larger than our planet. Our minds are completely incapable of thinking on such enormous spatial and temporal scales. 

In fact, we are still unsure of the exact size of the universe. Only the size of the observable universe, or the entire universe that we can see, has been quantified. The observable universe is estimated to be 92 billion light-years across, which is mind-bogglingly large. For context, one light-year is equivalent to roughly 6 trillion miles (9.7 trillion kilometers).

The big bang, according to science, was a massive explosion that started it all. If this idea is correct, what led to the Big Bang? And what brought about the event that led to the Big Bang? There must be an intelligent power behind this if we consider that nothing could be formed out of nothing (which would be a plausible assumption).

So many species

The number of species thought to be present on Earth varies greatly. The range of the projections is 5 million to 10 million. Some are animals, some are fishes, some are birds, some are insects, and so on. Each of these species has a set of distinctive traits that distinguish it apart from the others. Can a biological ecosystem this large be created by accident? Is it not clear that a creator and maintainer is at work in the background? Or perhaps He is present but we don’t seem to notice Him?

Our minds and brains

Is it really possible that our ability to discern between good and evil, right and wrong, worthy and unworthy, favorable and unfavorable, comes about by accident? Could our capacity for thought, judgment, and differentiation be the product of a fluke? Not possible.

Another indication that our minds were expertly built by some universal force is the existence of our conscience. Why was it important for us to understand what is morally and ethically right and wrong? A brain this intricate could hardly have developed naturally. And even if we accept that evolution is to blame for our brains’ current level of sharpness, who instituted the evolutionary process in the first place? Could evolution also have occurred spontaneously? That is very unlikely.

Air, Heat, Light, Water

Nature has equipped us with everything we need to live. One of the many such resources is air. Like the human body, which has each component in the ideal proportion, air is magical. The same holds true for water, light, and temperature. Who created these as the prerequisites for life on Earth and then gave us everything we required to survive? Luck? Coincidence? Fluke? I believe that only someone devoid of all senses could claim that everything occurred without any outside intervention.

The various miracles that we see every day (but don’t pay attention to)

In 30 Days to Understanding the Bhagavad Gita, I present a few instances of the miracles that occur all around us, which we frequently overlook owing to our busy lifestyles but which are evidence of the intelligence that is always at work in the background. Let me give you an example of one of the miracles I mention in the book.

It is fascinating how an egg transforms into a caterpillar which then sheds its skin several times to transform into a pupa (which appears to have no life), which then gives birth to a butterfly. Metamorphosis is the scientific term for such transformation. The organs of the caterpillar dissolve into a semi-liquid state to form a pupa. Nothing about a pupa indicates that the soup-like liquid it contains is about to give birth to a beautiful butterfly. Isn’t it highly unlikely that such a complex multi-step procedure came about by chance?


It’s not as difficult to be conscious as it sometimes seems. All we have to do is take a look around and become mindful of our surroundings. We need to practice asking ourselves fundamental yet significant questions. This will assist us in overcoming the denial of our spiritual nature that we typically maintain.

So, does God exist? Every aspect of creation serves as evidence for the existence of God. All of the aforementioned points barely scrape the surface. Just observe. God is present everywhere.