Unlock the Path to Spiritual Enlightenment

Do you want to live a spiritually conscious life based on the teachings of the most ancient spiritual texts?


Join my SPIRIT SEEKER membership for FREE

…and get immediate access to the 30-Day Bhagavad Gita Course, exclusive weekly newsletter, private Facebook Group and an ever-growing pool of exclusive resources to help you progress on your spiritual journey.


Some of the FREE resources you’ll have immediate access to include:

  • A 30-Day Bhagavad Gita Course

    that takes you on a journey through the Bhagavad Gita, exploring its timeless wisdom and practical guidance

  • An Exclusive Access to "Vault of Wisdom"

    that contains an ever-growing pool of exclusive articles for Spirit Seekers helping them gain spiritual wisdom

  • A Private Facebook Group

    that is only open to Spirit Seeker members, where you can seek help from other spiritual seekers like yourself

  • An Exclusive Email Newsletter

    available only to Spirit Seeker members

  • A Spiritual Quotient Test

    to gauge your progress on the spiritual path on a day-to-day basis

  • A 51-point Checklist

    that can serve as a daily reminder of the do’s and don’ts in accordance with the principles of the Bhagavad Gita

  • A 25-question Quiz

    to test your knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita

  • A Printable Daily Journal

    to help you stay firmly grounded in your spiritual principles

  • A Printable Workbook

    based on the teachings of the holy Bhagavad Gita

  • A Printable Notebook

    which you can use to write Krishna’s names and be absorbed in Him

  • A Tonne of More FREE Stuff

    coming your way in the coming weeks and months that will enable you to advance to a higher state of spiritual consciousness

Each of the above resources can help you get miles ahead on your spiritual journey. And all this is accessible to you without any monetary cost.

Just imagine the value you are getting!

I’m doing what I can to aid in your ascension to spiritual consciousness. Now it’s your turn.

Get the Spirit Seeker membership NOW. You have nothing to lose, but have yourself to gain.

Please note that by taking the “Spirit Seeker” membership, you agree to be subscribed to my exclusive weekly email newsletter titled “Vedic Reflections” as well as other emails that I may send. Some of these emails may contain marketing content. Don’t worry. These newsletters are aimed at providing immense value to seekers. I don’t spam. You can unsubscribe easily anytime.

You are just one decision away from Spiritual Consciousness.
~ Hari Chetan